Announcement on Registration for
International Competition of GRAM Eco-City Conceptual Planning
为响应广东省委、省政府构建和谐广东和振兴广东东西北的号召,促进英德市当地的经济发展和提升广东北部山区的旅游产业,广东省广晟资产经营有限公司下属的广东广晟生态城股份有限公司计划在英德市投资开发广晟生态城旅游项目,初步计划建设温泉度假主题酒店、伊人花园、在水一方、高科技主题游乐项目、马术运动场、体育公园、特色酒店群、酒店式公寓、颐养社区、别墅庄园、教育培训、生态科技研发基地等项目,努力将广晟生态城打造成 “纯净唯美”的集“旅、居、业”为一体的复合型特色生态旅游休闲度假区。
In order to boost the local economic development of Yingde City and upgrade the tourist industry in the northern mountainous area of Guangdong in response to the call of CPC’s Guangdong Provincial Committee and Guangdong Provincial Government on building a harmonious Guangdong and revitalizing the eastern northwest region of Guangdong, Guangdong GRAM Urban Eco-development Co., Ltd. subordinated to GuangDong Rising Assets Management CO, Ltd. is planning to invest and develop GRAM Eco-City Tourism Project in Yingde City. The project is initially proposed to comprise the programs including hot spring resort hotel, Yiren Garden, Waterfront, hi-tech theme amusement rides, equestrian club, sports park, featured hotel complex, serviced apartment, retirement community, villa, education and training, ecological technology R&D base, etc., and aims to be a pure and aesthetical comprehensive recreation and tourist resort featuring ecological themes and integrating the functions including tourism, residence and business.
广晟生态城位于广东省英德市??镇,占地面积 10056亩(约6.7平方公里),其中规划建设用地 6632亩,农业用地3424亩。项目计划总投资不低于30亿元人民币,分三期建设,首期启动区面积约为 1平方公里,计划于 2014年建成。
Situated in Hanguang Town, Yingde, Guangdong, GRAM Eco-City covers a site area of 10,056mu (approximately 6.7 sq. km), including 6,632 mu planned as construction land and 3,424 mu as agricultural land. The proposed total investment in this Project is no less than RMB 3 billion Yuan, and the Project is scheduled to be developed by three phases, among which, the Phase I Start-up Area is approximately 1 sq. km and scheduled to be completed by 2014.
In order to plan, based on a higher starting point, and build, with a higher standard, GRAM Eco-City, Guangdong GRAM Urban Eco-development Co., Ltd., is hereby organizing this International Competition to openly call for conceptual planning proposals with world-class expertise and international vision. Design firms (including Consortiums) who intend to participate in this Competition are invited to register by filling out the
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Looking forward to your participation and support.
Guangdong GRAM Urban Eco-development Co., Ltd.
Sep.28, 2011
Bidding Agent: Guangzhou Wang Tat Project Management and Consultancy Ltd.
联系人:陈秋梅(中文) 手机:+86 13925165156
朱昕华(中文) 手机:+86 13560344559
陈 彤(英文) 电话:+86 20 87562291-803
Contact: Chen Qiu-mei (for Chinese) Mobile: +86 13925165156
Zhu Xin-hua (for Chinese) Mobile: +86 13560344559
Chen Tong (for English) Tel: +86 20 87562291-803
电 邮:idc@tianqihr.com 传 真:+86 20 87562532
idc@tianqihr.com Fax: +86 20 87562532
Consultant: Shenzhen Public Participation Co., Ltd.
联系人:张元海(中文) 电话:+86 755 83160656 手机:+86 13631600111
赖修竹(英文) 电话:+86 755 83160607 手机:+86 13530670439
Zhang Yuan-hai (for Chinese) Tel: +86 755 83160656 Mobile: +86 13631600111
Lai Xiuzhu (for English) Tel: +86 755 83160607 Mobile: +86 13530670439